Moon Marked: Rampage Part 3

Chapter Seventeen ★ Rampage

。☆✼★Luna ━★✼☆。

It was my turn for my jaw to hit the floor. Well it didn’t need to go too far since I was already pinned to the ground. I stared right back up at Pearl, speechless.

She continued, “Your father always placed you first. Didn’t matter if any of his other loyal soldier were more qualified for the job.”

“What are you talking about?” I stammered. I have no clue as to what she was implying but I figure she might let me in on that little secret of hers.

Pearl’s upper lip peeled away revealing her white canines that all mermaids usually have but hers were unusually long. She replied, “You took my beloved’s spot. It was her right, not yours, to that position.”

Wait, what? My brows rose and knitted together. Pearl continued as she got up from her seat, “You never knew, did you? Ha. Of course you wouldn’t because you’re so into yourself and never acknowledge others around you.”

“Hey!” I said then added, “I’m not that self-centered.”

She tossed her hair and walked around me. “Pfft, like you’d truly know. Your so selfish that you never even noticed my secret meetings with the merlocks and witches. If you were even qualified for your job then you would have noticed.”

Whoa. Talk about slamming me hard for things that I didn’t know about. Yeah, I’m a wee bit selfish but I didn’t expect it was that bad. I turned my head her way and asked, “Who was it that I stole the job from?”

‧͙⁺˚*·༓ – TO BE CONTINUED… –☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

Moon Marked: Rampage Part 2

Chapter Seventeen ★ Rampage

。☆✼★Luna ━★✼☆。


Hissing sounds were constant and in time to the throbbing knot at the back of my head. Opening my eyes to a tiny slit, hum, I have eyelids, well my eyes were opened to a tiny slit and the area was dark. The hisses were all around me.

Yup, gotta say that I’m surrounded, that’s fer sure. I groaned, “Can’t y’all let a lady have her beauty rest?”

The hisses rolled up and down in laughter. Yup, apparently I’m funny. Wonder if I can make them laugh so hard that I can escape. That is when I figure out where I’m being held captive.

“I wouldn’t.” Said a familiar voice. No, it wasn’t Ray. It was someone I knew. Knew all too well and that’s when my blood ran cold.

My eyes shot open letting the small amount of light help me see in the dark room. She sat across from me in a large overstuffed chair. Her legs lounged over the side as she laid back on the other arm.

The dark long hair of hers glimmered blue in the low light but there was no mistaking who she was in the dark. I glowered as my guts twisted another turn and I spat out her name like a vile tasting bitterness that refused to quit. “Pearl.”

No wonder she wasn’t at the rendezvous. Things were starting to make sense. Merlocks needed an inside person. Pearl who had been stationed at the base for years knew the ins-and-outs of all the paperworks and systems.

She purred, “Oh Luna, Luna, Luna. What am I ever to do with you?”

“Traitor.” I spat again.

“My, such language.” She said with a smile. “And here I went through the trouble of making you normal again.”

Another twist in the gut as my stomach did a flip. Did she break my curse? I felt my head with normal hands. Cute button nose, check, regular ears, check… normal sized mouth? Check. What in Triton’s name is going on here?

Turning my gaze up to her I asked, “You didn’t kill the boy did you?”

Placing her hand onto her chest she pouted, “Your accusations wound me, Luna. Truly they do.”

“I thought the curse could not be broken without killing the originator of the curse?” I asked through gritted teeth. “Was that a lie?”

Pearl shifted in the chair and rest her chin onto her palm propped up by her elbow. She examined her fingernails on the other hand then blew away non-existing dirt before she answered, “I have my ways.”

Flash of red ran through me and I tried to bolt upwards but felt a pile fall on top. I couldn’t move. The hissing became constant while I struggled. Pearl only watched with glee in her eyes.

“You killed him,” I screamed, “didn’t you?”

“What if I did?” Pearl replied, “I thought you didn’t care about him.”

“It doesn’t matter if I did or not. He was still ours to protect.” I seethed.

A long silverly laugh escaped her lips as she let her head fall back in response. The hisses joined in and gave an eerie ring to it. Another pulse of red surged through me but the pile held me in place.

Pearl laughed, “Luna, you are so naive. Ray is so right that you were the right one to use for our plans.”

I glowered, “How long? How long have you been planning this with the Merlocks and witches?”

Her eyes narrowed, “Ever since you were assigned to be my partner.”

‧͙⁺˚*·༓ – TO BE CONTINUED… –☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

Moon Marked: Rampage Part 1

Chapter Seventeen ★ Rampage

。☆✼★Luna ━★✼☆。

Plans? What cock-a-mamy plans is she talking about? For Triton’s sake I’m sick and tired of these merlocks and witches bombarding mer-territory with their silly plans.

On second thought, no, she ain’t gonna take me down. Nah-uh. Instead, I’m gonna chomp off her head in one fell swoop. I glanced back at her as the corners of my sharky mouth quirked up at both corners.

The whites of her eyes showed as they widened. As I pulled more at my mer-magic the bindings that she laid over me slothed away. She scowled and pour more into her magic trying to keep the bindings in place. I felt the wave pulse once then wash over me like a water gun squirt. 

The witch begun to back away. With one quick motion I broke the rest of the bindings off then lunged forward. She screeched and turned to run.

“Oh no you don’t hun. Yer mine!” I growled and snapped my powerful jaws at her. She screamed again. Over the hill the reptilian men came scrambling back towards her with spears in their hands. They stopped a good ten feet when they saw that I was free of my bindings.

She screamed, “Don’t just stand there. Kill her. Kill her.”

I blew a kiss and kind of winked at them, because sharks don’t have eyelids, then said, “Come on boys. I don’t bite… much.” Then laughed.

They all cowered in their places and some even ran away. Their glorious leader continued to scream for their help, “No. Don’t run away. Come back here this instant.”

Other reptilian men snapped their spears in two then ran off. The witch fell back onto her kiester and was crawling away crab style. She screeched and cried, “Don’t eat me. Gah, don’t eat me.”

She was my prey. The shark in me wanted to chomp down on her luscious delicious fresh flesh and swallow it whole. My belly rumbled in agreement.

The witch’s foot slipped and she fell hard onto her butt. I stepped closer then stopped. The smell of fresh urine assaulted my nose. She had peed herself and still sat on the dock crying. Half of me wanted to end her misery and the other half wanted to let her be.

However, she and her cronies did steal my friends and she knows where they are being kept. I pulled back on the shark tendency and crouched down. I got close to her face and whispered, “Tell me where my friends are and I’ll consider on letting you live.”

“They’re in the office building two floors down.” She sobbed and glanced left and right trying to find her escape route.

I placed both arms on each side of her and inhaled. This was fun. But something wasn’t adding up. She was playing into my demand way to easy.

A tugging sensation made me turn my head just in time to see the bat coming right for my head. Wham. All turned black.

Dang it and I was so close too.

‧͙⁺˚*·༓ – TO BE CONTINUED… –☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

Moon Marked: Spellbound Part 6

Chapter Sixteen ★ Spellbound

。☆✼★Daniel ━★✼☆。

The two continued gesture in rapid motion. They were both so fast that I almost couldn’t understand their conversation… almost. Basically, the gist was they were asking if I was the new recruit.

I watched them stop at the same time to turn and look at me. Both of the wore a forced grin on their face before the orange one stepped forward. The ground crunched under his scaly feet.

He swallowed hard then opened his mouth. Inside was white along with his tongue as he hissed out something I could not understand. Closing his mouth the green one laughed and the orange one shot him a look.

Thumping my tail I got their attention then added a small bark. The orange one tried again. He said in one long hiss, “H-h-h-h-he-l-l-o-o-o.”

I tried to answer but instead I said, “Woof.”

Orange lizard glanced over his shoulder at the green one and nodded for him to come forward. The green one darted a look between the cage and the path. He fiddled with his fingers before he took one step closer. The orange lizard sighed then grabbed the green one’s hand and yanked him forward.

Greenie stumbled forward and almost landed on his face but caught himself in a two hop step. I barked again as my tail thumped the wood floor of the cage. He grinned then said, “Y-y-y-o-o-u-u n-n-n-e-w?”

I nodded my head and barked. The two lizard men clasped their hands together and did a small hop letting their smiles grow bigger. They both stopped when I let out a small whine. I didn’t know why they would be happy that I’m a new captive of this place.

Orange one stuck out his hand and said, “F-f-f-riend?”

I licked it. He pulled it back and giggled in a hissing fashion. The green one also threw his hand out towards me and said, “F-f-f-riend.”

It wasn’t a question. It was more of a statement. I rolled my eyes then licked his hand too. He pulled it back and waved it in the air then wiped it on his shirt. Both of them grinning from ear to ear. That is if lizards had ears.

A horn sounded over the intercoms and the two lizard men clasped their hands over their ear holes then cowered to the ground. My ears flattened too at the high pitched squeal of the horn being played.

When the sound ended the green one peered back up and said, “W-w-w-o-rk. N-n-needs t-t-a b-b-be d-d-done. B-b-b-ye.”

The orange one nodded and both of them threw me a two fingered salute before they scurried off down the path to the other wooden booths. I guess I made new friends though what I really want is to go home. I wish dad was here.

Another loud sound blasted out of the metal speakers that were hung up on the wooden polls. It was followed by a series of short blasts of high pitched squeals. An alarm. Someone is either attacking or an intruder has been caught.

Deep inside me I felt the stirring of the witch’s power pull my inner werebeast. Red tinged the sides of my vision bringing some color back into my two toned world. The witch from last night was at my cage.

She stayed low in a crouch and whispered in her honeyed tone, “My sweet little wolf. It is time you prove your worth. An intruder has trespassed onto our territory.”

I whined in return as she reached between the bars and caressed the side of my face. I leaned into it and breathed in her delicious scent of rose and apples. She scratched behind my ears then asked, “Will you do something for me?”

Her control slid over me like a well worn glove. I let the rage and desire burrow deep into my soul. I glanced at her and nodded.

Her eyes shone with a light golden hue over her emerald eyes twice. The spell that she wove over my heart took complete control. The witch’s dark plump lips broke into a smile and said, “Kill them for me.”

Of course,master. Anything for you.

‧͙⁺˚*·༓ – Chapter 16 :: Spellbound Done – Stay tuned for Chapter 17… –☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

Moon Marked: Spellbound Part 5

Chapter Sixteen ★ Spellbound

。☆✼★Daniel ━★✼☆。

I watched the lizard man hustle to the next stall when another blur of green zoomed in and smacked right into the yellow-orange one. They both screamed out loud and hissed while circling each other. So, that explains the screams but doesn’t explain the creepy laughter.

My tongue lulled out to the side as I chuffed out a laugh. The two lizard men stopped and looked my way. I sunk down to the wood floor. Man, I hope they stay right there because I don’t know if they’re really that friendly.

The gravel on the path shuffled as tiny rocks and pebbles were scattered followed by an echo. Tiny orange fingers wrapped themselves over the wooden edge of the cage followed by green ones. Both sets of green eyes peered over the wood floor back at me.

Each lizard man held a steely gaze then blinked and snickered. It sounded more like sandpaper rasping against clay pottery. Enough to make another set of chills run down my back. I barked at them.

Two men laughed some more before the green one held up his finger. The orange one cocked his head to one side and the green one began making symbols with his hands. Orange held the sides of his belly and let out another hissing laugh then responded back with more hand gestures.

I understood them both. They were using American Sign Language to talk to each other. Which means these guys used to be human too.

‧͙⁺˚*·༓ – TO BE CONTINUED… –☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙