Chapter Fourteen★ Hostage Cont’

。☆✼★Daniel ━★✼☆。

“Nggghyagggh” I screamed aloud as Luna writhed on the floor of the boat. My mouth and nose elongated into a muzzle as my teeth grew long and sharp. Heat flowed to my ears and oozed as they grew to a point and moved to the top of my head.

Bones, cracked and crunched as ribs pulled apart and reconfigured themselves. Luna roared from her position while more of her body became more shark-like. She snapped at the air in quick motions with her powerful jaws.

I snarled at her as the intense heat slithered and drained away from me. The cool ocean breeze with spray wafted over the sides of the boat. Taking in the scent I exhaled. Pain still tingled in parts but the worse was over… for me.

Luna was still transforming. Her massive body flopped about on the floors and I jumped. Her mouth snapped at one my limbs as I barely landed on the bench seat.

Perched on the seat I scanned the horizon for the oncoming boat. It was dark but with the light of the moon and the werewolf ability to see in low light the nighttime was almost like broad daylight. In the distance I could see it coming as it rolled over the rough waves.

I growled down at Luna, “Hurry up.”

She was on all four puffing and breathing shallow breaths. Her shark-like head turned my way and squinted its beady eyes.

Luna replied with labored breaths, “Kind of busy here. I didn’t expect–” she gestured to herself in a wobble, “–this to happen. I was supposedly cured.

“Heh.” I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Don’t you know that curses cannot be cured?”

An audible pop happened as two more fins adorned the back of her heels. Around her feet were the shredded remains of her shoes for her feet grew a lot larger with webbing between her spread toes that now had razor sharp claws.

“Perfect.” She groused. “Just, blazingly, Triton’s fury, perfect. Those were my favorite shoes.”

The other boat went into lower gear as it got closer. At the controls was him. His dark hair shined under the moonlight against his dark skin. A growl bubbled up as my lips peeled away from my teeth.

Near the front of the boat was the other woman from the first night I met Luna. She was bound and gagged but not put under. Upon further scanning of the boat I could see that the man was not alone. He brought company.

Luna steadied her hand on my arm as the fur bristled and a constant low growl continued to flow forth from me. We both stood there and waited as the waves rocked our boat up, down and to the side. She let out a low growl as well then spat under her breath, “Oh great. Witches.”

‧͙⁺˚*·༓ – TO BE CONTINUED… –☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙