Chapter Two ★ Caught Cont’

。☆✼★━ Daniel ━★✼☆。


If that wasn’t ominous then I don’t know what was. I knew who wrote the note. My stomach lurched and tied itself into knots. The palms of my hands became slick from all the sweat. Ugh. Gross.

I placed the plant back on the clay dish and tried to think of other ways to get inside the house. There was no way in heck that I was going to go ‘around back.’ No. I’ll sleep outside before I give in to his demands.

My hands fiddled with the pieces of lint in my hoodie’s front pouch as I circled around the one story house to mine and Pete’s room. Pete is my little brother. He liked to sleep with the window open during the spring. Heck, he would do it in the middle of winter if we’d let him.

He was always hot natured and complained of the heat down here in Savannah, GA. Poor kid. I’d tell him at least we weren’t in the desert. Pete would roll his eyes at me, huff at my comment and go right back to complaining that he’s hot.

I peered down the side counting the windows. The third one was opened. Bingo. As I crept down the side of the house my heartbeat intensified. The crickets seemed like they went silent. The only sound was my breathing and the crunch of the dried leaves within the pea gravel.

The broken pieces of my camera jingled as my hands shook. I paused and took a deep breath. I’ve done this thousands of times. So, why do I feel on edge tonight? What is different?

Well, I’d be lying if the idea of what those perverted girls did while I was out didn’t bother me. But what really got me was they said I was a werewolf. Last I checked… werewolves don’t exist. They’re only in movies and books. That’s it.

They were just saying that to get my goat. Probably because they thought I was snapping nudie pics of them… which I wasn’t… I swear. I was cutting across their yard to snap pics of the abandoned amusement park.

Their place had the best view. And last I checked that house was vacant. I don’t remember the last time there was someone living there… they acted like they’ve been there all along. Weird.

I shook my head and took another deep breath then ventured forward. The tall grass under the window squeaked under my feet. I looked up at the window sill and closed my mouth to moisten my dry tongue. Gosh, I’m thirsty. Maybe I can grab a coke from the fridge once I get in alright.

“Okay, just a simple jump and we’re in.” I said to myself to chase the jitters that were still lingering around. I stuffed the brown paper bag into my hoodie’s pouch to free up my hands. I needed both to climb into the window. I crouched down low to the ground and got ready to jump.

I whispered, “Just like in gym class… sink low… chest up… heels up… toes spry… butt almost touching… and… JUMP!”

When I felt my but touch my heels I launched myself upwards toward the opened window. My hands reached upwards and sought purchase of the worn faded white painted wood. The cool rough wood greeted my fingers as I latched on and bolstered my feet on the side of the wall. Success.

Using the rest of the momentum I swung myself up into Pete and my room. A last minute thought crossed my mind, “Did he pick up those legos?”

Gritting my teeth I braced for impact but landed silently like a black cat at midnight during a new moon. I stood back up and congratulated myself, “Man, smooth like butter.”

The taste of success turned bitter sweet when the lights flickered on in the room. Pete was not in his bed. He wasn’t even here.

No. Instead my Dad sat on the edge of my bed hunched over his knees. In one of his hands he held a cold beer bottle. He pulled a drink from his beer then wiped his chin with the back of his hand.

His beady dark eyes watched me as I stood there frozen like a deer caught in the headlights. A shit eating grin grew from his lips going from ear to ear and peeled away from his yellow stained teeth. Uh-oh. I’m in for it now.

He said, “Gotcha.”

‧͙⁺˚*· – Chapter 2 :: Caught Done – Stay tuned for Chapter 3… –☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙