“Now, as we close one chapter, the pen is gradually inking up, preparing itself to write the next.” ― Mie Hansson (https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7255866-now-as-we-close-one-chapter-the-pen-is-gradually)

“Now, as we close one chapter, the pen is gradually inking up, preparing itself to write the next.” ― Mie Hansson (https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7255866-now-as-we-close-one-chapter-the-pen-is-gradually)

“Now, as we close one chapter, the pen is gradually inking up, preparing itself to write the next.”

― Mie Hansson



I chose this quote for it felt right in regards to the new year, setting goals and in regards to writing. All authors or practically all authors start off the new year with fresh ideas or determination to get their stories written before the end of the year.

What kind of feelings does this quote invoke?

The kind of feeling that this quote invokes for me is the sensation of getting fired up to start writing. That the previous year is done and things have been written. But this year, this year is a brand spanking new page with no words written on it yet. You can feel the energy surging through you as you think about what you’re going to accomplish this year and know that you’re going to get most of those things done.

How is it inspirational?

This quote is inspiring because we know in our minds that things can be built upon or changed so that the outcome brings us a brighter future. A blank slate is appeasing to everyone for it allows them to start off on the right foot for the new year.

Are there any action items associated with it?

In regards to actually doing something it would be best if one sat down first and planned what they really wanted to accomplish this year. Let’s be realistic and not say “I’m going to lose 50lbs this year.” Sure, that is a great goal but is it feasible? Is it? 10lbs is more likely to be obtained and retained.

But what about author goals? Last year I set out to finish 12 books in a year… HA! I got discourage when I could only get 3 1/2 finished. So this year I’m going to be far more realistic and focus on getting about four published.

Anything else that we should think about or consider?

Well, keep your goals reasonable. Remember to prioritize what you want to get done first then work on the next goal. A plan is the key to getting things done in my mind. Breaking a part the goal helps make it easier to attain and finish within the set timeline.

Oh, yeah I did forget to mention that you should set timelines on your goals. Sure, we until have the end of the year to get our goals completed but let’s not forget to put in check in points or milestone dates to see how we’re doing. At least when you hit those dates you can assess what you need to do to meet your goal.

Remember, it’s not about quantity, it’s about quality when it comes to goals. You don’t have to do everything but you should do what you want to do the most and get it done. By the end of the year you’ll be far more enthusiastic because you’ve completed one of your bigger goals. Believe me, it’s the best thing you can ever feel when you’ve accomplished a huge goal within your time limit.

How about you? What are your goals for this year?